
Downloading the Source

\(\texttt{Bolt}\) is distributed using the git version control system, and is hosted on Github. The repository can be cloned using:

git clone



\(\texttt{Bolt}\) has a hard dependency on Python 3+ and the following Python packages:

  1. mpi4py
  2. numpy
  3. h5py
  4. pytest
  5. scipy
  6. matplotlib
  7. petsc4py
  8. arrayfire

Before installing the above python packages, the following libraries need to be installed so that their python wrappers can function:

Building ArrayFire

  • Clone the arrayfire repository
  • Build using the instructions that have been provided here

Building PETSc

  • Clone the petsc repository

  • We suggest that you install PETSc using the following:

    ./configure --prefix=/path/to/petsc_installation/ --with-debugging=0 COPTFLAGS="-O3 -march=native" CXXOPTFLAG S="-O3 -march=native" --with-hdf5=1 --download-hdf5 --with-clean=1 --with-memalign=64 --known-level1-dcache-size=32768 --known-level1-dcache-linesize=64 --known-level1-dcache-assoc=8 --with-hypre=1 --download-mpich=1 --with-64-bit-indices
  • If you are keen on modifying the above build parameters, detailed instructions for the same may be found here

Below are instructions for building the PETSc stack on a few machines that we’ve tested on:

  • On BRC HPC Savio:

    python2 './configure' '--with-debugging=0' 'COPTFLAGS=-O3 -qopt-report=5 -qopt-report-phase=vec -xhost' 'CXXOPTFLAGS=-O3 -qopt-report=5 -qopt-report-phase=vec -xhost' '--with-hdf5=1' '--with-clean=1' '--with-mpi-dir=/global/software/sl-6.x86_64/modules/intel/2016.1.150/openmpi/1.10.2-intel/' '--with-blas-lapack-dir=/global/software/sl-6.x86_64/modules/langs/intel/2016.1.150/mkl/lib/intel64' '--with-memalign=64' '--known-level1-dcache-size=32768' --known-level1-dcache-linesize=64' 'known-level1-dcache-assoc=8' '--with-hypre=1' '--download-hypre=1' '--with-64-bit-indices'


Before running \(\texttt{Bolt}\) it is first necessary to either install the software using the provided installer(TODO) or add the root directory to PYTHONPATH using:

user@computer ~/Bolt$ export PYTHONPATH=.:$PYTHONPATH

Once the build of ArrayFire and PETSc is completed install the python dependencies using:

user@computer ~/Bolt$ pip install -r requirements.txt